Comcast has always been known for its lousy customer service. But the company's plans to turn the Internet into something that looks like cable TV should get you hopping mad.Craig Aaron, In These Times
This isn't me saying this. Just thought I'd point that out. I'm not the only one who sees the "conspiracy". They are out to "get" us. Don't let them dupe you into believing they are not. They'll do everything they know how to convince you that you are merely being (unreasonably) paranoid and that they are merely acting to better enable the American way of life; but their real purpose is to increase their stranglehold over as much of the economy as possible [to which end they lobby (i.e., bribe) congress], the net result of which is to take as much power (money) as possible out of your pockets. The primary way that they are doing it these days is by rendering ineffective the anti-trust legislation that real patriots put in place half a century or so ago. In this fiasco, the Bush-Cheney machine has been of immense value to them.
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