Thursday, August 19, 2010

meet the new boss...

Is Obama responsible for the poor economy? He is now. Yaah, he inherited the mess from King George, and he started a few projects that helped a lot; but he balked when his approval rating began to slip, and what could have been a great recovery becomes the victim of political pandering. He's just another politician, after all. He's...

But, to be fair, it was a bit naive of me to think he'd make any kind of significant difference. He's still killing people in Afghanistan. He's promoting nuclear energy, threatening to resurrect that specter without proposing any kind of solution to the very real and potentially deadly problem of what to do with the nuclear waste. He's...

Yeah, he wrapped himself in some good-looking packaging, but he is, after all, just another politician. Back to the drawing board.

Gotta Revolution.
