Sunday, December 19, 2010

the corruption of power

The government strong-arms Bank of America to stop dealing with Assange's Wikileaks because the government can't think of anything else to do, feels it can't defend itself against the truth, and so must set about to "influence" corporations and other governments and assassinate characters in order to curtail a truth teller.

I don't know if Assange did the criminal things he's accused of doing (apparently legal entities in the UK believed he hadn't, since they released him from custody), but I do know what our government does to people, I know how it lies to hide truth that it finds inconvenient, I know how it corrupts bureaucrats into doing its dirty work.

[In fact, there is no 'it' in the government; 'it' does not act, corrupt agents of the government act, against the ideals of our democracy. Higher up agents corrupt lower agents to act in a conspiratorial fashion to subvert the rule of law. Politicians and quasi-governmental agents (corporate goons) put their own interests ahead of the people.]

Under the broadest definition of terrorism, which our government chooses to use all the time to characterize fanaticism and computer malfeasance, the government itself is a terrorist organization. Yeah, it doesn't actually kill people...well, now wait a minute...yes it does. Maybe we don't need so broad a definition after all.

I'm less and less happy with this government as time goes on. I thought we elected Obama to end this shit. Meet the new boss... The US government is a terrorist organization in the same way as local cops are the most powerful street gang in any given area. Authoritarianism claims its privilege to overpower any dissent. What democracy?

Gotta Revolution.


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