Wednesday, November 16, 2011

can’t touch this

So you want to "regulate" the internet, ostensibly to prevent the piracy of intellectual property, but in fact in order to squash the criticism you receive as the result of a truly democratic medium. Well, go ahead and try and good luck to you. Who knows? You may even win a battle or two before you inevitably lose the war.

Meanwhile, I am "subscribed" to a developing internet service that you'll never be able to regulate. There is no danger to this form of net neutrality. No ISP is going to limit my bandwidth. No corporation will subvert its usage for its own pecuniary purpose. The democratic principle of this service is guaranteed to be forever ubiquitous. Its very nature is the quality that prevents usurpation. Want to know what it is and how to get online?

Well, if you don't already know, it's not likely you will ever find out. Even if I would tell you (which I won't), you're not likely to ever access it unless you already know how, because that is something I can't tell you. It's something you have to learn how to do all by yourself. And you won't, because what you fail to understand is that your own attitude and behavior precludes your participation.


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