Wednesday, December 7, 2016

final solution: to be or not to be is not a question

There’s no question that climate change (global warming) is happening.
But I see no evidence, let alone scientific proof, of the eotw scenarios.
All the computer simulations depend on too many assumed variables.
And they tend to ignore possible human intervention and remediation.
Not to mention unforeseen circumstances and disregarded science.
Will people die? Undoubtedly. By the millions probably. Oh well.
Will the planet die? I very much doubt it. Life is highly adaptable.
Will the human race go extinct? One can only hope. But I doubt it.
Who knows? Maybe we’ll even wake up to necessities we now ignore:
Population control. Efficient food and meds production/distribution.
Universal healthcare. Universal affluence. The end of armed conflict.
Demilitarization. The end of weapons manufacture. The end of borders.
World government. Yeah, I know. Those ideas offend fascists globally.
That’s the big one, then: the end of fascism, xenophobia, and racism.
Think it will never happen? Think it is all pie-in-the-sky impossibility?
Then why take the negative side and think we will all die out so soon?
Your doomsday scenarios are just as likely or unlikely as my utopia.
It’s all a matter of conjecture and expectation. Expect the worst; get it.
Mass hysteria and hallucination create reality: we are now nuclear.
Extinction is just the next stage in humanity’s self-fulfilling prophecy.
But we have a choice: we can go on as we are or we can face the truth:
We are making this all happen. Life takes care of itself, absent humans.
But a thought just occurred to me; maybe our extinction is the solution.
Maybe life’s wisdom convinces us to kill ourselves off to save all else.
I could get behind that idea. Problem is, how much do we take with us?
If we’re intent on offing ourselves, why not leave other species behind?
Or is that the true nature of humans, to destroy everything as we go?
Maybe it is, after all. Whichever, it’s not up to you or me, but all of us.



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